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an ecommerce email marketing message on a phone

Email Marketing in 2024: Is It Still Effective for Ecommerce?

You may have asked yourself, “is email marketing still worth it for ecommerce in 2024?” And our answer is… absolutely! When done right, email marketing delivers an excellent ROI while
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a man becomes a repeat customer on an ecommerce website

What is a Good Repeat Customer Rate in Ecommerce? How to Calculate + Benchmarks

Turning one-time shoppers into repeat customers – that’s the golden ticket in ecommerce today. After all, repeat customers spend 67% more than new customers. So what’s considered a good repeat
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A man checks his ecommerce SMS campaign

How to Create the Right Sending Schedule for Ecommerce SMS Campaigns

SMS marketing can be a powerful tool for ecommerce businesses. According to recent surveys, 98% of text messages are opened and read within minutes, compared to the 20-30% open rate
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an ecommerce customer goes through a purchase funnel

The Purchase Funnel Blueprint for Ecommerce Brands

Are you an ecommerce brand that wants to convert more website visitors into paying customers? Who doesn’t! With attention spans shorter than ever these days, it’s getting tougher to guide
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The Top 5 Ways E-commerce Brands Are Using AI

Artificial intelligence (known as AI) is completely changing the e-commerce industry. From generating product descriptions to analyzing customers, AI can help ecommerce owners work smarter and faster. If you’re a
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someone holds a phone with an SMS marketing campaign

How to Run Compliant SMS Campaigns for Ecommerce

SMS marketing has blown up lately for ecomm businesses, and for good reason – it’s an effective way to connect with customers and drive sales. But be aware – you’ve
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a man looks at his ecommerce email campaign metrics

Email Frequency Best Practices for Ecommerce

Email marketing remains one of the most effective digital marketing channels for ecommerce brands. By building an engaged subscriber list and sending relevant, timely messages, email allows you to promote
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Man adds credit card to ecommerce order to avoid abandoned cart

Abandoned Cart Recovery Strategies That Actually Work

Have you noticed your shoppers enthusiastically add items to their online carts, only to never complete their purchase? It’s estimated that over $18 billion is lost annually by eCommerce brands
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a man writes a competitor analysis for an ecommerce website

Competitor Analysis in eCommerce: Learn from Others to Improve Your Strategy

As an eCommerce business owner, monitoring your competitors will help you thrive long-term. Studying what they’re doing right (and wrong) can provide valuable insights to improve your own marketing strategies.
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a woman holds an ecommerce holiday present

Holiday Season Marketing for Ecommerce in 2023

The holiday season is a special time of year as an eCommerce business owner. We get to connect with our customers in a meaningful way and, of course, sell our
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upselling and cross-selling in ecommerce

Cross-Selling and Upselling Techniques for eCommerce Growth

Ecommerce businesses are constantly seeking new strategies to drive growth and increase their revenue. Two powerful techniques that work today are cross-selling and upselling. By implementing these techniques, your eCommerce
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A customer experiences an ecommerce website on a tablet

Enhancing the Customer Experience on your eCommerce Website

Today’s consumers have countless options at their fingertips. This means that if you can provide a seamless and enjoyable shopping journey, it will help you stand out from your competition.
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a man holds up a loyalty card for an ecommerce store

Improving Customer Lifetime Value with Ecommerce Loyalty Programs: A Guide for Success + Tools

Building a loyal customer base can increase the success of any ecommerce business. Implementing a well-designed loyalty program can help drive repeat purchases for your business, and also increase your
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Customer Feedback to Improve Your E-Commerce Email Campaigns

How to Use Customer Feedback to Improve Your E-Commerce Email Campaigns

When you run an e-commerce business, it’s no secret that customer feedback is needed to meet your goals. Your customers are what make your business go round, and without them,
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a woman using video marketing for her ecommerce website

The Power of Video in E-Commerce Marketing

Video has become an increasingly powerful tool in e-commerce marketing, with brands of all sizes leveraging video to capture attention and engage audiences. From product demonstrations to user generated content,
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a woman looks at her computer screen with an e-commerce website on it

Maximizing Customer Retention Through E-Commerce Marketing: A Guide for Online Stores

Today, many e-commerce businesses are investing heavily in online advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media marketing to bring in new customers. And while customer acquisition is an important
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a woman looks at her e-commerce purchase

Getting Started Selling Online

It’s finally time to launch that eCommerce business that you’ve been thinking about for years. Setting up your website can feel like a daunting endeavor, but this process can be
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a camera faces a set ready to take e-commerce photos

How To Take Product Photos Like A Pro

There are five senses that we use in our daily lives, and one of the most important is sight. This is why photos are such an important aspect of your
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a laptop shows e-commerce marketing analytics

How To Automate Your Sales

In today’s fast paced world, most things have automation in them. We have automated switches for our lights, production of products, and even automated cars. Automation is an important, time
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New Year’s Resolutions to Boost your Work Productivity

It’s a new year and you know what that means, it’s time to drop bad habits and pick up good ones. No matter the size of your company, there are
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amazon seller logo

How To Sell On Amazon

Looking to improve your eCommerce business and reach more customers? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. One of the best ways to do this is by selling on Amazon. This will
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boxes for ecommerce shipping

E-Commerce Shipping

For the majority of your customer’s experience, you are in control. You make the ads, the website, take photos, and perform many other tasks to help your products and website
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Shopify Apps To Boost Your E-Commerce Store

Shopify is a complete commerce platform that a large percentage of business owners use to help grow their business. It has many great features and if you are considering a
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ecommerce accountant

Accounting Services for E-Commerce

Let’s all face it, accounting isn’t the most exciting part of running your business. But with that being said, it’s an important and can’t be ignored. With the rise in
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graphics of an ecommerce website and shopping bag

How To Choose An E-Commerce Platform

Setting up and building an e-Commerce business isn’t as easy as some people view it from the outside, some think you just upload products to the internet and you will
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ecommerce marketers having a meeeting

Google Ads Academy

30 years ago the internet was a passing fad, it has since grown into a critical component of everyday life. All this growth has changed how many of us market
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Selling Products on Instagram

Social media is one of the fastest growing and most powerful business tools that can be used at a relatively inexpensive price. When considering what social media platforms to invest
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How To Use Google My Business

Google My Business is a free tool for both businesses and organizations to manage the online presence that they have within Google, this also includes Google Maps and Google Search.
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a screenshot of the bigcommerce website

How To Set Up BigCommerce

BigCommerce is an all-in-one e-commerce platforms that offers a wide variety of tools and solutions for businesses of all sizes. It provides users with a large amount of scalability and
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The Magic of Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing is a methodology that helps to draw customers into your business instead of you reaching out to them. When focusing on inbound marketing, you create helpful content that
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a graphic to symbolize ecommerce marketing growth

Google Analytics Tools

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that you should be using in your marketing mix. It allows you to view a magnitude of data from your website that you can
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a lady looks at her phone in a grocery store

The Importance of Product Descriptions

Product descriptions are an important aspect of an e-commerce business. Unfortunately, they often get overlooked or underutilized. It is easy to fill this area with unappealing information, or just to
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a gmail account for ecommerce marketing

The 6 Emails Every Ecommerce Store Needs

Consumers are becoming more alert and aware of what you send to their inbox. They are sick of spam email! Sending creative and strategic emails can ensure that your emails
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a photography set for website photos

Tips for Creating Awe-Inspiring Content

Content is now, more than ever, a critical component to your marketing strategies. The content that consumers look at is the center of connection between your brand and them. Because
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someone works on graphic design on their computer

Free Logo Design Applications for DIYers

Design is Important A logo is one of the most important elements of a business. It is a symbol that represents your brand to both you and your customers and
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The How and Why of Shopify

When first launching an eCommerce website, it can be difficult to decide what platform to help design and build your website. Shopify is a popular and effective program to consider
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seo ecommerce growth

8 Tips to Enhance Product SEO

Search engine optimization is an important aspect to focus on in your marketing mix. It helps you improve your search engine ranking when consumers search for relatable keywords and topics
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Google Adwords And Why You Should Be Using It In 2019

  The Internet is changing Becoming noticed on the internet is increasingly becoming more difficult for e-commerce websites. It can feel like you are facing a thousand other businesses and
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CRM for Ecommerce Stores (Hubspot)

  What is a CRM? Managing relationships with customers is becoming one of the most important aspects of modern business. A CRM program, also known as customer relationship management, is
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brews & business jacob dubois

Leah Fishman | Brews & Business with Jacob Dubois

  We would like to introduce you to Brews & Business, an interview series with our favorite people talking about, well, brews and business. We have been falling in love
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ecommerce marketing reports

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tracking tool that provides detailed information about the individuals visiting your website and the actions that they take while on your website. It allows for
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How to set goals nearly impossible to forget

  There’s no doubting that people who set goals are more successful than those who don’t. Setting goals can be quite easy but executing on those goals is often much
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A/B Testing

  What is A/B Testing? A/B testing is a way to perform controlled experimentation for your ecommerce website. It involves creating a hypothesis, a control, and a variable. The goal
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Get started with Personalized Marketing

Personalization in marketing is quickly becoming more and more essential to stand out against the noise. With new technology & businesses aimed to help you personalize your marketing materials, it’s
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The Power of Contests & Giveaways

Contests & Giveaways are a classic marketing tactic that have been around for quite awhile but with new technology, comes new rules. By offering an item for free, a company
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Why you should be using behavioral email marketing

Behavioral email marketing generates much of the revenue for online stores across the globe. As eCommerce grows more each year, brands are utilizing automated strategies to communicate with their customers.
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