The Top 5 Ways E-commerce Brands Are Using AI

AI optimized images

Artificial intelligence (known as AI) is completely changing the e-commerce industry. From generating product descriptions to analyzing customers, AI can help ecommerce owners work smarter and faster. If you’re a brand that fails to adopt AI, you risk falling behind the competition. 

In our post, we’ll explore the top 5 ways leading e-commerce brands are using AI. Whether you sell products online or just want to learn about the impact of AI, read on for practical tips and examples of AI in action.

1. AI-Powered Product Descriptions

High-quality product descriptions are essential for any e-commerce business. But writing unique, engaging copy for sometimes hundreds or even thousands of products is time consuming. Smart retailers turn to AI-powered tools to automate product description writing.

AI-powered writing tools such as Rytr leverages natural language generation technology to turn product specs and attributes into readable descriptions. The AI examines factors like product features, target audience, and length requirements to produce human-like copy.

Brands can then edit the AI-generated descriptions as needed. The result? Unique, compelling product detail pages that take far less time than producing manually.

2. AI-Enhanced Product Images

Eye-catching product photography is another e-commerce essential. But editing and retouching product images is complex and time-intensive. AI visual platforms streamline this process for online retailers.

For example, businesses can use AI photo editing tools like Meero to automatically remove image backgrounds, apply color corrections, or upscale image resolution. This creates visually appealing product images at scale.

AI can also generate new product photos by varying attributes like color, lighting, and orientation. Brands use this technique to create multiple high-quality images for each product without costly photo shoots. 

In addition, AI can identify ideal image cropping and help human editors focus their retouching efforts on areas that matter most. 

Overall, AI visual platforms enhance product images exponentially faster than manual editing. This translates into higher-converting product detail pages.

3. Predictive Site Search

On-site search is crucial for helping customers find relevant products easily. But up to 50% of e-commerce searches return no results. AI-powered predictive search tools can help.

Predictive search uses data like past search queries, browsing history, and purchase data to recommend products as the user types. This creates a highly personalized search experience.

For example, brands can use predictive search technology like Nosto for Shopify. As shoppers type into the search bar, the ecommerce website can display suggested products the user is likely seeking. 

Predictive search reduces zero result searches, keeps customers on-site longer, and boosts conversion rates. AI enables retailers to turn product discovery into an intelligent, personalized experience.

AI text generator for product descriptions

4. AI-Optimized Marketing Content

Creating targeted, effective marketing content takes significant time and effort. AI content tools help e-commerce brands scale content production and optimize performance.

AI writing technology from Phrasee can be used to generate Facebook and Instagram ad copy. Email marketing is another area where AI can assist. Tools like Persado can analyze audience data to generate subject lines and email copy optimized for open and click-through rates. 

AI can also write blog posts and other website content that targets buyer keywords and answers customer questions. This attracts organic traffic from search engines.

Brands shouldn’t rely fully on AI-generated marketing content. But AI can be a tool to helpĀ  scale targeted, high-performing campaigns that drive sales.

5. Customer Analysis

Understanding your customers is invaluable. But sifting through reviews, social posts, and surveys is hugely time-intensive. AI sentiment analysis automates this process.

For example, the AI platform Affinio can help retailers gain insights from customer social media content. Affinio analyzes data such as Instagram comments to identify positive and negative customer experiences.

Seeing feedback trends and patterns in one dashboard allows brands to quickly address issues, showcase successes, and make data-driven decisions. AI reveals insights that would be impossible to detect manually.

The Bottom Line

The examples above demonstrate how forward-thinking e-commerce brands use AI to drive efficiency, boost sales, and improve customer experience. The possibilities are truly endless.

Here are key takeaways on leveraging AI as an e-commerce brand:

  • Use AI writing tools to automate and optimize product descriptions, marketing content, and other copy. This helps you create consistent brand voice at scale.
  • Employ AI-powered photo editing platforms to edit, transform, and scale product images faster than humanly possible.
  • Implement predictive search to provide customers with hyper-personalized product recommendations as they browse and search.
  • Analyze user-generated content with AI sentiment tools to identify customer feedback trends and patterns. 
  • Combine AI with human creativity and strategy. The best results come from AI and people working together.

Adopting AI can take your e-commerce brand to the next level. Utilize AI now, and you will have a competitive advantage in the years to come.

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